At the beginnings, a passion animated by the ancestral and mythical Nigelle flower (black cumin). A new emblem of natural managers.
The secret of the Eternal Nigel House, offer you an unprecedented definition of black cumin, a new and daring definition.
Our watchwords are refinement, purity, sophistication and timelessness, all at the service of your well-being and your health
of which the Nigelle is naturally the queen.
Our story begins in the magnificent medina with a chefchaouen blue color. Sofia, a French traveler, spent countless holidays exploring the splendid medina. Sofia has always found an endless inspiration and a real resource in Morocco.
One day, during a hike in the Moroccan Atlas, an idea germinated. What if you could fill a bottle of Moroccan magic, with beauty products that combine eastern ingredients and scientific research?
Looking closely, Sofia realized that Morocco is a real paradise for people who like to take care of them thanks to its plants and its fruits good for the skin. The icing on the cake ? Nigelle oil - Morocco being one of the world's largest producer of this nourishing and revitalizing flower. After having planted the last seed and having chosen the key ingredient, Eternal Nijel was born!
Cultivated or black cumin is a plant in the family of renuncularceae from South West of Asia.
Seeds are used as a traditional remedy or a spice in many countries of the world (especially in the Muslim world).
Synonyms: spice grass, Venus hair, Capuchin beard, spider paw, bearded, angel hair. Black cumin seeds
are also called "pepper".
It is one of the plants whose culture is recommended in the royal fields by Charlemagne in the capitular of Villis
(End of the VIII or the beginning of the ninth century).